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What is the Grafton Education Foundation?


The Grafton Education Foundation (GEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation created to address funding gaps for educational programs throughout the four public schools in Grafton. GEF’s mission is to enhance and enrich educational opportunities for Grafton public school students in all grades. We will encourage increased partnerships with the community, local businesses and schools. That's why we say: Quality Schools. Together.


How does an education foundation work?


It is really no different than what universities and private schools have been doing for years. We solicit private funds in a variety of ways: direct donations, grants and fundraisers. GEF will then prudently use the money to award educational grants proposed by district staff on an annual basis. A rigorous review of those grant proposals will happen on an annual basis. Grant proposals will be accepted each year in April. Following a thorough review, selected grant award winners are announced in May.



What could the money raised by GEF be used to fund?


The ideas are only limited by the imagination of the teachers and staff applying for these grants. Some examples of immediate needs in the district include; SMART boards for all classrooms, equipping an outdoor classroom with technology and electricity, or WiFi at the high school. The grants must be for projects which fall outside of normal district budgeting.



How can I join GEF?


We meet the second Monday of every month in the Grafton High School Library at 7pm.  Meetings are usually about an hour long.  Feel free to drop in and see what we are all about.  If you would like to join the board and have a vote on decision making, there is a short application to fill out.  Click here for the application. You do not need to be a board member to help out with GEF activities.  Contact us if you have questions about joining GEF.  We would love to meet you!

Download the GEF Brochure (PDF)

Our Mascot "Grant"


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